Animation Vol.1 (Profi ROM)(1994).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
329 lines
//_ stream.hpp Thu Mar 1 1990 Modified by: Walter Bright */
// Fri Aug 18 1989 Modified by: Steve Teale
#ifndef __STREAM_H
#define __STREAM_H
extern "C++" {
#ifndef __STDIO_H
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef BUFSIZE
#define BUFSIZE 1024
///////////////////////////// STREAMBUF //////////////////////
// Class for dealing with a stream buffer
struct streambuf
char *base; // buffer, NULL if no buffer
char *pptr; // write pointer (1 past end of data in buffer)
char *gptr; // read pointer (next char to read), gptr chases pptr
char *eptr; // 1 past end of buffer
char alloc; // 1 if base was allocated using new
char dummy; // for alignment
FILE *fp; // in case streambuf is just a layer over stdio
int doallocate();
int allocate() { return base ? 0 : doallocate(); }
streambuf *setbuf(char *buf, int buflen,
int written = 0, int wasalloc = 0);
friend class ostream;
friend class istream;
// Functions for buffer full and empty respectively
virtual int overflow(int c = EOF);
virtual int underflow();
// Constructors
streambuf(char* buf, int buflen);
// Destructor
virtual ~streambuf();
// Character by character functions
int snextc()
{ return (gptr + 1 < pptr)
? (unsigned char) *++gptr
: underflow();
int sgetc()
{ return (gptr < pptr)
? (unsigned char) *gptr
: underflow();
void stossc()
{ (++gptr > pptr) && underflow(); }
int sputc(int c = EOF)
return fp
? putc(c,fp)
: (pptr < eptr)
? (unsigned char) (*pptr++ = c)
: overflow(c);
void sputbackc(char c)
{ (gptr > base) && (*--gptr = c) != 0; }
// Access to buffer
char *bufptr() { return base; }
/////////////////////// FILEBUF ///////////////////////
extern int __CLIB close(int); // should match io.h
// a stream buffer for files
enum open_mode { input = 0, output = 1, append = 2 };
struct filebuf : public streambuf
int fd;
char opened;
char dummy; // for alignment
int overflow(int c = EOF);
int underflow();
filebuf* open(char *name,open_mode om);
int close();
filebuf(int _fd); // file descriptor
filebuf(FILE* p);
filebuf(int _fd, char *buf, int buflen);
///////////////////////// CIRCBUF //////////////////////
// Circular stream buffer
struct circbuf : public streambuf
int overflow(int c = EOF);
int underflow();
///////////////////// Input and Output ///////////////////
struct whitespace { int dummy; };
// State for each istream or ostream
enum state_value
{ _good = 0, // previous input operation succeeded. state must
// be _good for subsequent input operations to succeed
_eof = 1, // reached end of file
_fail = 2, // error, no characters lost
_bad = 4 // the stream is all messed up
// Output formatting routines
extern char *dec(long, int = 0);
extern char *oct(long, int = 0);
extern char *hex(long, int = 0);
extern char *str(const char *, int = 0);
extern char *chr(int, int = 0);
extern char *form(const char * ...);
///////////////////////// OSTREAM //////////////////////
class ostream
streambuf *bp;
state_value state;
int alloc;
friend class istream;
// Overloads of <<
ostream& operator<<(streambuf&);
ostream& operator<<(const whitespace&);
ostream& operator<<(const char*);
ostream& operator<<(const signed char *psc)
{ return *this << (const char *) psc; }
ostream& operator<<(const unsigned char *puc)
{ return *this << (const char *) puc; }
ostream& operator<<(long);
ostream& operator<<(unsigned long ul);
ostream& operator<<(int a) { return *this << (long) a; }
ostream& operator<<(unsigned a) { return *this << (long) a; }
ostream& operator<<(char c);
ostream& operator<<(signed char c) { return *this << (char) c; }
ostream& operator<<(unsigned char c) { return *this << (char) c; }
ostream& operator<<(short s) { return *this << (int) s; }
ostream& operator<<(unsigned short us) { return *this << (unsigned) us; }
ostream& operator<<(double);
ostream& operator<<(const void *);
// Other output functions
ostream& flush()
{ bp->overflow(); return *this; }
ostream& put(char);
// Stream state access functions
int good() { return state == _good; }
int eof() { return state & _eof; }
int fail() { return state & (_fail | _bad); }
int bad() { return state & _bad; }
operator void *() { return fail() ? NULL : this; }
int operator !() { return fail(); }
int rdstate() { return state; }
// State set function
void clear(state_value v = _good) { state = v; }
// Access to associated buffer
char *bufptr() { return bp->bufptr(); }
// Constructors
ostream(streambuf *sb);
ostream(int fd);
ostream(int buflen, char *buf);
// Destructor
~ostream() { flush(); if (alloc) delete bp; }
///////////////////////// ISTREAM ///////////////////////////
class istream
streambuf *bp;
ostream *tied_to;
state_value state;
char skipws;
char alloc;
void eatwhite();
// Overloads of operator>>
istream& operator>>(streambuf&);
istream& operator>>(whitespace&);
istream& operator>>(char&);
istream& operator>>(char*);
istream& operator>>(signed char &sc) { return *this >> (char ) sc; }
istream& operator>>(signed char *p) { return *this >> (char *) p; }
istream& operator>>(unsigned char &uc) { return *this >> (char ) uc; }
istream& operator>>(unsigned char *p) { return *this >> (char *) p; }
istream& operator>>(int&);
istream& operator>>(unsigned &u) { return *this >> (int) u; }
#if __INTSIZE == 4
istream& operator>>(short &s) { int i ; *this >> i; s = i; return *this; }
istream& operator>>(unsigned short &us) { int i; *this >> i; us = i; return *this; }
istream& operator>>(short &s) { return *this >> (int) s; }
istream& operator>>(unsigned short &us) { return *this >> (int) us; }
istream& operator>>(long&);
istream& operator>>(unsigned long &ul) { return *this >> (long) ul; }
istream& operator>>(float&);
istream& operator>>(double&);
// Other input functions
istream& get(char *, int, char = '\n');
istream& get(streambuf&, char = '\n');
istream& get(char& c);
istream& putback(char);
// Istream control functions
ostream* tie(ostream *os);
int skip(int s);
// Stream state access functions
int good() { return state == _good; }
int eof() { return state & _eof; }
int fail() { return state & (_fail | _bad); }
int bad() { return state & _bad; }
int operator!() { return fail(); }
operator void*() { return fail() ? 0 : this; }
int rdstate() { return state; }
// Stream state set function
void clear(state_value v = _good) { state = v; }
char *bufptr() { return bp->bufptr(); }
// Constructors
istream(int len, char *string, int s = 1);
istream(streambuf *sb, int s = 1, ostream *os = NULL);
istream(int fd, int s = 1, ostream *os = NULL);
// Destructor
// Predefined I/O streams.
// These are tied to stdin, stdout, stderr, stdprn, stdaux
extern istream cin;
extern ostream cout;
extern ostream cerr;
#if !(M_UNIX || M_XENIX)
extern ostream cprn;
extern ostream caux;
// Embed correct library into .OBJ file
#if __SC__ >= 0x325
#if __INTSIZE == 4
#if __NT__
#pragma SC includelib "oldstrn"
#elif __OS2__
#pragma SC includelib "oldstrf"
#pragma SC includelib "oldstrx"
#if __SMALL__
#pragma SC includelib